Friday, May 29, 2009

This week has been interesting. We have done a lot of knocking and let me tell you, we have found some really interesting people. One was a 15 year old boy that actually contacted us in the street and asked us if we could teach him. So we went to his house a couple times to find him but he was never home. We talked to his dad several times in the door and he would just ramble for about 15 minutes about the most random religious things. I usually stopped listening half way through, which is never good. But we finally found Daniel and taught him about the plan of salvation. During the lesson his dad walked in and wanted to know where in the bible it talked about the different kingdoms of glory. He then started rambling on about how he is part jehova witness, evangelico, and catholic. But all in all, Daniel came to church with us yesterday and loved it. He had so many questions and was asking us when he could be a missionary and what he needed to do to be baptized. We are going to teach him english tomorrow and teach him more about the gospel Thursday. The only thing is is that he is a little girly and doesnt really have a personal bubble. So we turn around and he is right there and is always touching our arms. My companion was about to loose it by the time we dropped him off at his apartment because he touched her elbow right before he turned to leave. We need to teach him about personal space, but he is a good kid and will progress pretty quickly. We just need to get his dad to listen now.
> I know have half the ward asking for me to teach them Piano. It is good that they want to learn because that means I wont have to play in sacrament meeting, but we might have to wait a while before they are ready to do that. It is not the easiest to play for Chileanos because they make up their own tunes and hold notes that dont even exist. Oh during Relief Society, there isnt a piano, and i have to bite my tongue sometimes because las hermanas sing the hymns very creatively. Actually in our zone class I actually caught myself laughing because of the creativity of some of the latinos and the hymns. Yeah, I am trying to be better about that and just learn to follow them. So y´all cant laugh when I get home and start singing the hymns chilean style.
> We were in Santiago last Monday and ran into a couple that is from Alpine, they live in the Hillside ward. They are here in Chile for another week I think. The wife took down our home number and said that she was going to call you. But it was really random to find them in the plaza in down town Santiago.
> We are still in the search for more investigators. There are people that let us in and listen to the Restoration and then when we go back for the second lesson, they arent home. So we still in the search for those people who are ready to accept the gospel in their lives. It is so true that the members are the best ways to find references because they know their neighbors and so we are trying to work more with the members and visit their friends and family members that aren't members. Our ward is really warming up and are ready to leave with us.
> I love you all and hope that you enjoy today. Have a wonderful week.
> Love
> Kate

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